Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today is My Friday the 13th

I have had the crap, crap, crappiest day in a while. A long while. I'm usually pretty happy and able to roll with the punches. Tonight I am drowning my sorrows in Ben & Jerry's (S'mores flavor, by the way). My little munchkin is sick for the first time in his short life. I had a pretty bad day at work and I forgot to buy toilet paper at the store tonight. I know, these are not tragedies. A lot of people have it SO much worse than me. That's why I'm throwing myself a very short pity party and then I'm moving on.

So now that I'm feeling better I'm ready to start working on the everlasting challenge of organizing my home and running it like a well oiled machine that rarely needs a tune up. I think I'm dreaming, but I'm determined (or dumb) and I have ideas that I've gleaned from methods such as FlyLady (, publications such as Real Simple ( and various blogs that are geared toward housekeeping. So far I've taken something from each and everything does work. If I can only get off my lazy butt and employ these ideas, my house would be a gleaming kingdom fit for Monk. I guess playing on the floor with N has its allure and the chores fall by the wayside while I watch a 9 month old blow raspberries and pat on tables. I guess I'll try and devise something that works before I go to work and when I come home at night or when N goes to sleep. That's probably where FlyLady would work. It's geared toward doing certain things every day, without fail, and doing larger chores once a week with certain mid-size chares being "scheduled" on certain days of the week. It sounds easy and I should be able to handle it. That's where energy comes in. I need to expel some of it to make this work. I'm going to challenge myself to follow this great plan. Day 1 will start tomorrow. I did shine my sink when I was going to start it last time. My sink looked awesome! The rest of the house? Questionable.

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